Who do we build stellar companies with?

Building a company takes a village, or a studio. We’ve been building companies for decades and know what and who it takes. After many learnings, some failures, and plenty of successes, we understand what makes a founder able to build a stellar company.

Dream big, with purpose and ambition.

Entrepreneurship is not an experiment for you. It is a calling. You cannot breathe unless you are building something that could shake up an industry, and potentially change the world.

Serve customers, from problems to profit.

You’re excited by solving challenges and lean into tough problems. You want to help people and turn their troubles into impact and eventually—profit.

Learn and adapt with the speed of light.

You approach each venture with a white-belt mentality. You are eager to learn and hungry for feedback. You realise the market knows best, and you can turn insight into impact in the blink of an eye.

Execute relentlessly, against all odds

You’re not afraid to put your nose up to the grindstone. As a matter of fact, you kind of enjoy it. You realise execution is what makes great companies, and you’re here to out-execute everyone else.

Feel seen? Come build with us.

Become a founder

Our founders building stellar companies

Uncover the journeys of the exceptional founders working with our studio to develop the next generation of successful ventures with us.

Ready to build a
stellar company?

We're looking for founders ready to shape the future with us.


What does Builders look for in co-founders?

At Builders, we partner with visionary founders who see entrepreneurship not just as an opportunity but as a calling. We collaborate with those who dream big, driven by purpose and ambition to build companies that can reshape industries and change the world. We partner with relentless problem-solvers who thrive on turning challenges into opportunities and are committed to serving customers by creating impactful and profitable solutions. They possess a "white-belt mentality," constantly learning and adapting with speed, and they execute with relentless determination, outworking the competition to build stellar companies.

How do we find founders?

Founders reach out to Builders when they have a real-world problem to solve and believe we are the right partner to tackle it with. While we are active members of the tech community and the venture studio marketplace, most founders connect with us because the company they envision aligns with our focus on the future of work.

How many founders get through?

Annually, we connect with 2,000+ founders, and around 12 join the studio as an Entrepreneur in Residence. During the residency, founders work closely with the studio team to validate, shape, and launch a company using our proven playbooks and stage-gated model.

Where do the ideas come from?

Builders has a clear vision for the future, outlined in our manifesto, which shapes the scope for the companies we aim to build. Founders who share a similar vision and have encountered real-world problems that are difficult to solve partner with our studio. Together, we attract the right technical or business co-founder and transform these ideas and challenges into thriving companies.

What is the journey of a Builders' founder?

Your Builders journey is an 18-month adventure, from discovering market problems to launching a company. We collaborate closely, combining deep expertise, proven playbooks, and execution power. From crafting solutions and acquiring early customers to raising seed capital, we ensure your venture thrives within our Builders universe. Learn more about the founder journey here.

How involved is Builders with each startup?

Builders partners with talented entrepreneurs to create companies that define the future of work. We provide rapid market validation, connecting founders through dual residency to tackle real business challenges with technically feasible solutions. Our founders benefit from full-spectrum support, including expert playbooks, stellar branding, and data-driven go-to-market strategies. We also offer capital for a 12-month runway and access to our investor platform, ensuring startups are primed for success. Build with us.

What expertise does the Builders core team bring?

Our core team is your dream team, covering everything from product and design to legal and funding, all aimed at empowering you to build a successful, independent company.

Where is Builders located?

Builders’ headquarters in the heart of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, offering a vibrant ecosystem for our founders. We collaborate onsite in a collaborative atmosphere, essential for brainstorming and strategy sessions. Not to mention the other entrepreneurs you surround yourself with.

How is founders' equity split?

Builders empowers entrepreneurs firstly as a co-founder and secondly provides support, resources, and investment to create a company that can attract the right type of funding. Equity is split to reflect each party’s value and contributions; the studio retains around 30% of the fully diluted equity after leaving the studio and raising funding. From that point on, the studio and the founders get equally diluted.

Is it worth 30%?

The value we bring justifies our equity share. Beyond financial investment, we offer a comprehensive support system, access to industry experts, and a collaborative workspace. We empower entrepreneurs with rapid market validation, dual residency connecting co-founders, and a full-spectrum team to achieve milestones quickly. Our data-driven go-to-market strategies and branding support set your company up for success. After securing funding, our core team continues to support your journey to independence.


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